Jordi Soriano-Fradera
Universitat de Barcelona Institute of Complex Systems (UBICS), Barcelona
Principal investigator
Jordi Soriano-Fradera
Universitat de Barcelona Institute of Complex Systems (UBICS), Barcelona
José Antonio Del Río Fernández (PL)
Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya (IBEC), Barcelona -
Isidro Ferrer Abizanda
Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge (IDIBELL), Barcelona -
Ernest Giralt Lledó
Institut de Recerca Biomèdica (IRB Barcelona), Barcelona
Jordi Soriano is an Associate Professor at the University of Barcelona, where he leads an experimental group that investigates open questions in neuroscience, and using physical and mathematical modeling toolboxes (Universitat de Barcelona Institute of Complex Systems-UBICS).
Before that, he was a Ramón-y-Cajal researcher at the University of Barcelona for 5 years, to establish an experimental group in neuroscience.
Soriano studied Physics at the University of Barcelona (UB). During a brief period, he worked as an editor of scientific textbooks for the Open University of Catalonia was followed by his PhD in Physics at the ECM Department, Faculty of Physics, UB. He then moved to Bayreuth, Germany, for a postdoc in biophysics in the group of Prof. Albrecht Ott. He did a second postdoc in neuroscience in the group of Prof. Elisha Moses at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, developing new experimental techniques to study connectivity in living neuronal networks. (Read full CV).
INTERESTSHis research interests are mainly focused in:
Physics of complex systems applied to neuroscience and the treatment of neurological diseases
Collective phenomena in neuronal networks
Calcium fluorescence imaging
Machine learning and artificial intelligence in biological systems
Robotics, implants, and human-machine interfacing
Dept. FMC, office 6.16
Facultat de Física, Universitat de Barcelona
Martí i Franqués, 1
08028 Barcelona, Spain
Tel.: (+34) 93 402 05 54Email: [email protected]