Health Innovation Call for Proposals
Selected projects 2023
Health Innovation Call for Proposals
Selected projects 2023
© Fundación Bancaria Caixa d'Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona, ”la Caixa”. All rights reserved.
Programme description
Calls for Applications
Calls for Applications
Calls for Research and Innovation proposals
Calls for Research and Innovation proposals
Information about the calls
CaixaImpulse Health Innovation call
CaixaResearch Health call
Ended calls
Ended calls
At a glance >
CaixaResearch Validate Call >
CaixaResearch Consolidate Call >
CaixaResearch Mobility – Global Medicine and Health call >
CaixaResearch Covid-19 Call >
Call for Mount Sinai Icahn School of Medicine ”la Caixa” Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowships >
Call for MIT-SPAIN ”la Caixa” Foundation SEED FUND >
RecerCaixa call >
CaixaResearch Results
CaixaResearch Results
Keep informed
CaixaResearch DEBATES
CaixaResearch DEBATES
40 years of AIDS. How long before a cure or vaccine? >
Extremely premature babies: increasing their survival >
Pancreatic cancer, new treatments for the deadliest forms of cancer >
Success of treatments now available for COVID-19 patients >
Cancer. What direction are the new therapies taking? >
Women and science, overcoming stereotypes and inequality >
Leukemia, present and future of the new treatments >
New challenges in vaccination and disease eradication >
Can we cure obesity? A 21st century pandemic >
ALS, a fatal disease… for how long? >
How do we approach heart disease? The leading cause of death globally >
Rare diseases: Why is there no treatment for 95% of them? >
COVID-19: how should we live with it? >
Is it possible to create a universal vaccine for chronic infectious diseases? >
Curing blindness: treating the retina to restore vision >
How the brain perceives the world and generates memories >
Cancer and nutrition: The importance of prevention >
Long COVID-19: How much do we know? >
What are CAR-T-cell cancer therapies? >
Can a light-activated drug restore vision or reduce cardiac lesions? >
Parkinson’s: a disease with treatments, but no cure >
Melanoma: the most aggressive skin cancer >
Mosquito-borne infectious diseases: how can we prevent possible outbreaks in Spain? >
One in ten people have dyslexia and most are unaware of it >
Fatty liver disease: an under-diagnosed condition affecting over a third of the population >
Liquid biopsy: can we detect cancer early? >
Artificial intelligence in biomedicine: present and future >
Superbugs: how can we tackle one of the biggest threats to global health? >
Bladder cancer: new advances against one of the most common tumours >
The microbiota-gut-brain axis and its influence on metabolism and health >
The incidence of colon cancer is increasing among young people >
CaixaResearch MEETINGS
CaixaResearch Ceremonies
Innovation Day Portugal
Outstanding results
CaixaResearch Institute