Rut Valdor
New cell therapy to treat glioblastomas
Rut Valdor
AND COUNTRYUniversidad de Murcia, Spain
There are currently no effective treatments for glioblastomas, a very aggressive type of brain tumour with a high mortality rate. This project aims to develop an innovative cell therapy to slow its growth. In previous studies, the team has achieved promising results by acting on brain pericytes, cells that surround blood vessels and have a defence function that is compromised by cancer cells, which facilitates the progression of glioblastoma through a mechanism known as chaperone-mediated autophagy (CMA). The researchers have developed a method to isolate and use genetically modified pericytes without CMA as a tool with potential use in the treatment of glioblastoma and which could possibly be used for other types of cancer.
The results obtained by the team so far are promising, in both in vitro and in vivo models. In this stage, the project will focus on developing a preclinical study to validate the efficacy of this new therapeutic strategy using an animal model based on mice that develop human glioblastoma. In addition, a manufacturing process will be established for the modified pericytes derived from human fat that meets the efficacy and toxicity requirements for use as a potential future medication.
The aim is to advance in the design and development of this new cell therapy for the treatment of glioblastoma and to make it accessible to patients suffering from this type of cancer in the near future.
TITLEProof of concept for development of an ATMP based on modified pericytes for glioblastoma treatment
STAGEStage 2