AIMS-OD. Systematic screening for swallowing disorders using AI

Alberto Martín


    Alberto Martín


    Fundació Privada Salut del Consorci Sanitari del Maresme, Barcelona, Spain


    Oropharyngeal dysphagia (OD) is a severe yet often unrecognised swallowing dysfunction that affects a high proportion of hospitalised elderly patients.

    AIMS-OD is an artificial intelligence expert system based on medical records that estimates the risk for OD in real time. This technology will provide information about patients, making the diagnostic process more efficient and effective.

    The aim of the projecte is to standardise the diagnosis of OD, allowing more patients to receive the treatments they need, and reducing associated complications and healthcare costs.

    The use of artificial intelligence in medicine is not new but its application in the diagnostic process OD is a milestone in deglutology. AIMS-OD has a high sensitivity, improves the evaluation of expert clinicians by 20 %, and guides treatment decision-making. Thus, AIMS-OD will provide value to patients and health professionals alike.