CaixaResearch Health call

Selected projects 2022

Cardiovascular and associated metabolic diseases

  • Prompt diagnosis of coronary heart disease to prevent early mortality

    Teresa Matias Correia (Teresa Correia)

  • New approaches to heart tissue regeneration after heart attack

    Rui Benedito

  • Can we grow older in a healthier way?

    Claudio Franco

  • Identifying new immune targets to treat cardiovascular disease

    Almudena R. Ramiro

  • Identifying new biomarkers for the progression of heart failure

    José Javier Fuster

Infectious diseases

  • A new approach to combating antimicrobial resistance

    João Morais Cabral

  • How to prevent the next outbreak of West Nile virus in Spain

    Jordi Figuerola

  • What factors predispose to invasive pulmonary aspergillosis?

    Cristina Cunha

  • How can we make vaccines effective for the entire population?

    Luis Graca

  • How diet impacts the immune system in early life

    Manuela Ferreira

  • Towards a better understanding of how the immune system makes tailored responses to different pathogens

    Nuria Martínez

  • Towards a better understanding of how the immune system responds to infections

    Esteban Ballestar

  • Towards a cure for long COVID

    Christian Brander

  • A platform to rapidly develop and produce new biopharmaceuticals to treat emerging viruses

    Cláudio Manuel Soares

  • A new technology to clean respiratory viruses from the air

    Miguel A. Bañares

  • Towards the development of a new generation of antibiotics to combat antimicrobial resistance

    Alfonso Jaramillo


  • How is perception altered in schizophrenia and other neuropsychiatric illnesses?

    Leopoldo Petreanu

  • Exploring the role of nucleolar stress in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

    Óscar Fernández-Capetillo

  • Towards a better understanding of synapse disruption

    Ira Milosevic

  • Towards a new treatment for autoimmune encephalitis

    Josep Dalmau

  • What influence does the environment have on cognitive abilities and their age-related decline?

    Ángel Barco

  • A new treatment to prevent age-related macular degeneration

    Miguel Seabra

  • Towards a new therapeutic nanotechnology to combat the progression of Parkinson's disease

    Marta Martínez-Vicente

  • Innovative neuromodulation strategies to treat brain diseases

    Paulo Aguiar


  • A new approach to improve the prospects of cancer immunotherapies

    Fran Supek

  • Determining the impact of “jumping genes” on cancer proliferation

    José Tubio

  • What is the role of senescent cells in breast cancer progression?

    Joaquín Arribas

  • Understanding the role of new factors that cause genomic instability in cancer

    Andrés Aguilera

  • How do cancer cells modify the surrounding microenvironment to their advantage?

    Elías Campo

  • Towards more effective, less toxic treatments for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia

    Vera Sofia Correia Martins

  • A new way to treat brain metastases of breast cancer

    Helena Florindo

  • A lymphoma-based organoid on a vascularised chip to advance in the design of personalised immunotherapies

    Patricia Perez-Galán